Not only 1 ad, but Youtube has shown users 10 ads at the same time and cannot be skipped. This strange story has made people skeptical about the calculation of this platform in the near future
Recently, YouTube confirmed that it is testing increasing the number of ads before each video. Specifically, users will have to watch 5-10 ads continuously, lasting about 30 seconds with no skipping option.
There have been many debates accompanied by complaints when they had to see 10 ads but were not allowed to skip, even the ads were longer in length and so combined, users lost their lives. 60 seconds just to see the ad. “This is a very difficult number to accept” According to one comment
This is a risky path because it affects not only Youtube or the customer but also the ad unit because maybe some users don’t mind the ads but many others are impatient, will Stop watching just because the ad is long, affecting the interests of the ad unit.
However, it all has Youtube’s calculation when on the side of content creators, short videos help them benefit. According to Social Media Today, if you broadcast “short ads”, the revenue from these videos will go directly to the video owners.
Maybe Youtube is looking to develop the Shorts video ecosystem and attract more people to contribute content to the feature, because they can make more money thanks to this platform. YouTube’s advertising revenue in 2021 will reach $ 28.8 billion, YouTube in 2021 will reach $ 28.8 billion.
Advertising on YouTube videos helps content creators benefit, and the platform attracts more celebrities from other social networks to join. Reality has proven that many people are not forever loyal to a platform but often choose to follow profits.